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Life Readings with Kira Kay

*We do understand that in the current crisis we are all facing it is now more than ever important to have support. Kira is currently temporarily based in Australia, caring for family, and is only available for Skype/Zoom/Phone readings. Kira is doing her best to accommodate all of her existing clients at this time but there may be a very extended waiting period before a Life Reading appointment is available.

Kira is available for Readings and Sessions only weekdays from Monday to Friday. Please note - currently face to face sessions will not take place. All sessions will be via Skype, Zoom or by Phone...
  • A Life Reading is an opportunity to explore and to see your life as it is right now with honesty and understanding – it provides a mirror of compassionate clarity to see what is.
  • A Life Reading is an individual session, and a deeply personal experience.
  • Readings are available by phone, Skype or live in Berlin, Germany.
  • It is approximately one hour in duration, either in person (face-to-face mostly in Berlin, Germany, where Kira resides) or via telephone or Skype.
  • Your Life Reading is recorded, and available for you to download as an MP3 recording.
  • Readings are in English, German translation is possible in some circumstances for face-to-face readings for additional translation fee.
Kira lebt derzeit vorübergehend in Australien, kümmert sich um die Familie und steht während dieser Zeit nicht für Übersetzungstermine zur Verfügung. Einzelsitzungen mit Kira Kay finden immer an Wochentagen von Montag bis Freitag statt
Persönliche Besprechungen sind derzeit nicht verfügbar. Zusätzliche Sitzungen sind per Telefon, Skype oder Zoom verfügbar. Wenn Sie einen Termin vereinbaren möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Josie Blythe (Kira Kay wird normalerweise Wochen im Voraus gebucht.)
To book a Life Reading or further equiries please email Josie Blythe:

Kira will be contributing one day in the Sangsurya Signature residential TBA

One of the world’s most beautiful retreat centers, Sangsurya is a unique oasis of stillness in the midst of Byron Bay. In this March retreat, various regular Sangsurya facilitators will offer Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, Intuition development, Sound Healings and other healing modalities to inspire and feed your mind, body and soul. Nourishing healthy meals made from locally sourced produce can be enjoyed with accompanying birds’ song sitting amidst nature overlooking the ocean. Each room offers a unique sanctuary to gently relax and unwind, giving space to listen to your own soul.

This environmentally friendly retreat offers seclusion and tranquillity in the heart of nature and provides a true sanctuary in which to escape the pressures of a busy life. In these uncertain times, with technology disconnecting us from nature and stress related illness on the rise, we can discover so much about life, love and our true nature simply by immersing in this oasis.

Intuition & Meditation for Every Day Life

**Due to Kira’s ‘caring for her elder’ commitment, this Intuition & Meditation retreat at ZEGG will not proceed in 2024. We hope that circumstances allow Kira to travel and the seminar to proceed in 2025 - check back here in January 2025!

28th August -2nd September 2024

The seminar will be in English, with German translation

How often have you felt or wished you could 'see' more deeply into this situation, this person or this possible course of action? These types of questions face us every day and we do have the answers within us – we simply need to have the courage and practice to hear and see our own answers. Being gently guided and reminded into this deeply natural inner wisdom helps us to directly realise how easy it can be to find our answers. Meditation and Intuition go hand-in-hand and are a compliment to one another.

This seminar will include a variety of practical exercises, meditation, discussions and exercises to integrate into your life different aspects of uncovering and using your 'extra' senses. This helps to accelerate the process of communicating and sharing your inner discoveries in an environment that is encouraging of this exploring. This communication integrates these experiences into how we live our lives - making these realisations more readily accessible to ourselves when we need them.

Joining the seminar is a wonderful way to meet new friends who have a similar intention of expanding their natural gifts. And being together is supportive, nurturing and fun.

Also available and included within the seminar will be 'Sound Diving' (meditative sounds, including crystal bowls & wave harps) with Carlos Habig.

(Das Seminar wird in Englisch gehalten und sukzessiv ins Deutsche übersetzt.)

Wir tauchen gemeinsam in einen Raum ein, in dem unsere innere Stimme hörbar wird. Übungen und Meditationen helfen uns dabei, uns mit dem Wissen und der Weisheit zu verbinden, die uns allen zutiefst zueigen ist – wir müssen nur lernen zu lauschen. Wir tragen die Antworten auf all unsere Fragen bereits in uns.
Zum Programm gehören Yoga mit Raphael Ebner und Klangschalen-Meditation mit Carlos Michael.
Das Seminar wird in Englisch gehalten und simultan übersetzt.
Leitung: Kira Kay

For more information about Kira Kay at ZEGG:

Contact Information:
Almut Groeger
Tel: 0174 - 4198944

Satori Retreat with Kira Kay

6th - 12th December 2024
What is Satori? The word Satori originated in Japan and describes that moment of illumination that can only be described as direct experience of profound truth that accompanied certain Zen practices. Once a person experiences Satori it can often mean that their life fundamentally changes. The experience of Satori can vary from person to person but the essence of the state is similar – a profound feeling of peace, a knowing, without doubt – truth. For some people the experience may only be a momentary glimpse, for others it may be an extended period – a common aspect, however, is that the knowledge of the experience is lasting and life changing. Often there is the experience of empowerment, a foundation within themselves creating a more relaxed outlook on life, choices and future potential. What exactly is the structure of Satori retreat and what benefit can I gain? 'Satori' as we are discussing it here refers to a retreat of six days duration that has been carefully designed to support an individual to open into experiencing truth. It has evolved from techniques of the East combined with Western methods to support each person to have the maximum opportunity to have a Satori experience. A Satori allows you to experience your whole self, and that is inclusive of your humanness, your spirit – you. For many the experienced depth of acceptance is profoundly freeing. With the acceptance comes the ability to watch the process of the mind without becoming involved, without believing it - giving you back the sense of power and the realisation that YOU can, and do, have conscious choice in each situation, and that you are not a victim of circumstance but the creator of your life. The more you see the natural flow of life the clearer it is to see your interaction in the relationships in your life from a more neutral perspective. This can support you to participate more deeply in life from less reaction, generating understanding in your day-to-day interrelationships. Once you have experienced the freedom of Satori it also gives you the possibility to experience a life without tension or at the very least to realise that when you are in a state of tension being gentle and caring with yourself relieves this tension. While the focus of attaining Satori is to have a peak experience – a “Satori”, the journey involved frequently provides a microcosmic look at your basic attitudes towards life. It lets you see your behaviors, the way you think, what you think, how your mind works - many of the aspects to which you may have been previously blind to. This gift of seeing your-self empowers your future choices and impacts the potential that can unfold in your life.
Practical details: The Satori begins Friday 4.30pm Dec 6th and completes Thursday noon, Dec 12th 2024
Location: 'Sangsurya Retreat Centre' in Byron Bay, Australia, a beautiful meditation centre situated amongst magnificent rainforest with ocean views.
Cost: AUD$2250 ($1900 early-bird paid by November 1st) Accommodation & delicious healthy vegetarian meals included.
Extras: Accommodation is in shared rooms (limited single rooms for an extra AUS$350)
Satori is your uncovering of you, a direct and real illumination that cannot be described, only experienced.
If you wish to register, or have a question please email