Life Readings
"A Life Reading is an opportunity to see and explore your life as it is right now, with honesty and understanding. It provides a clear and compassionate mirror to see what is.” - Kira Kay
How can a Life Reading be of benefit to me and how does it work?
A Life Reading is a unique and valuable chance to gain insight and clarity on the areas of your life that feel uncertain, worrisome or unclear to you. Often these are the areas that feel foggy, or where doubts arise when you delve within yourself to find your own answers. These can be the topics you most wish to have information about. The reading is an opening to explore your fears and your dreams - the aspects of your life that may be deeply personal and private. During a Life Reading Kira calls upon her psychic/intuitive abilities and life experiences to look into the issues you wish to explore. You and Kira will sit together (whether in person or via telephone/Skype) and you state briefly the topics that you feel are relevant to your life right now. Kira will then sit quietly for a moment and allow what arises on a deeper psychic/intuitive level. Kira will then communicate what is seen. The reading is a time and space of working together with a common intention to bring forth the information and insights that can be usefully integrated into situations and relationships in your daily living. A Life Reading is a significant and valuable time to name and bring into your conscious thinking the possibilities in your life right now, and to recognise what new opportunities may be waiting for you to step into. Often, we focus on what is not happening, instead of what can happen and is happening. Frequently we have not realised or looked for the positive aspects that are in our lives, either actual or upcoming. It can be heartening and encouraging to have these aspects named. It provides an invitation to actively contemplate them in the context of our unfolding life situations. Kira has a broad personal and academic experience that includes the world of business and economics, and the fields of science and education. This unique and dynamic competence gives her the capacity to bridge various worlds, cultures and issues.
Who chooses to have a Life Reading?

To book a Life Reading or further equiries please email Josie Blythe:
Find out when Kira is available for readings here
Kira is often booked some weeks in advance. If you feel you may need support sooner, please visit Kira's recommended practitioners here +

“Psychics are very important. Many of them are able to step out of their personality and let the energy flow through to you, and allow you to answer yourself through them, because they are able to get out of the way. The question you ask sets up a vibration for the answer that you need to hear, to help you to awaken to that part.”