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Kira's Blog

Celebrating my Father

06 September 2015

My father gave me many valuable gifts – the first co-creating that I am alive! Even though he died more than 27 years ago I feel the impact of his love and the legacy of life lessons he passed on to me every day. On this day celebrating fathers I dedicate this post to my father, "Rafe Charles".

“Thank you dad for teaching me to question, to not take things at face value but to investigate and find out truth for myself - it has not always been easy to do this yet the solid foundation of integrity I now feel within I am thankful for every single day.  Your consistent reminder that I could be whatever I wanted to be has given me freedom many times over.  Your willingness to involve yourself in whichever community you found yourself and offering your practical skills and sincere compassion has guided my own actions again and again.  Your openess to be wrong, to open your mind even to situations/knowledge you disagreed has inspired me to remember there is always another side to the story.   The way you would truly see other people, especially those in difficult circumstances/backgrounds and help uplift them into better opportunities has motivated and encourage me to always look for those who may need more support than others and to be available.  Your patient and unconditional love towards me is something I am still growing and evolving with, consistently touched and amazed at the new levels I discover.  I do miss not having you around to share my life with, to talk with, to embrace and to laugh - oh and of course to cook awesome meals in the kitchen with! However the gifts you have given me are timeless and allow me to feel close with you in my everyday life.  Thank you for being you dad, and thank you so much for all that you have gifted me, even in your death you gave me so much … and I know you would be proud of me!  Happy Father’s day dad!”

